The Continent

Fourth Wing

The Continent

When dragons aren't an option.

Metro map of the Continent

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About Continental Transit

Not everyone can bond with a dragon. For the rest of us, there’s the Continental Metro System, designed for those who prefer their travel is a little more reliable. Whether you’re a scribe racing to catalog the latest dragon lore or a rider whose bonded beast refuses to carry you, the Metro ensures you’ll get where you need to go—and intact.

Built to connect the sprawling regions of Navarre and beyond, the Continental Metro System puts everyone equal footing. With reinforced cars to handle stray fire blasts and conductors trained to navigate lightning storms to territorial griffins, it’s the safest way to commute and avoid becoming someone’s next cautionary tale.

What People are Saying

The Metro is a strategic asset. It ensures safe and consistent travel. I wish more people would use it Dain A. Dain A.
It’s efficient for mortals, I suppose.. Tarin. Tarin.
I have never once nearly fallen to my death when taking Metro. Violet S. Violet S.